
Follistim Injection Night 2

I am not sure I am supposed to feel any different because I don't..lol! I am a little bloated so I am at work sitting at my desk with my jeans unbuttoned (good thing I work with family). When I got home last night, I took some Tylenol to help with my headache. I do have really light cramps..but nothing to write home about. My next doctor's visit is Friday..more blood work and an ultrasound.

Oh..some good news....they found my hCG. It was at Dr. L's office and nobody told me that they keep it. I remember at our IVF class, the nurse told us that we bring it with us when we go so that they can mix it, blah blah. I just wish someone would have told us when we picked out our meds on Monday, that they were going to keep it there. It would have saved me having a mini heart attack and some phone calls to the pharmacy. Not to mention Billy and I going through all of the meds 3 times. Oh well...they have it and that's all that matters I guess.

Getting the pen ready...

Prepping my needle...like a pro!

See the smirk? I told you he secretly liked this..lol!

Follistim - 250 units - 4/2/2013

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