
Change of plans....

Sorry about the lack of posts. I have been off from work since Wednesday and I am not fond of posting from my lap top or phone.

So at around 8:30 am Wednesday, as we were waiting for my mom to get to the house, the phone rings. It's Dr. L. He tells me that 4 of the embryos didn't make it and the remaining 5 were a little slow and not perfect........so he wanted to transfer 3 not 2. I am not sure what upset me more...the fact that I only had 5 surviving embryos or that the remaining embryos weren't perfect. I try not to go on message board or read too many articles on the internet but while looking up information on other subjects, I do run into the occasional message board post....and almost all of them mention "perfect embryos". I guess something about the words "not perfect" and "slow" just make you think that they won't take and all of your hard work and worry and tears will be for nothing. And how do you try again with an optimistic open-mind after a failed attempt?

But anyway. I hung up with Dr. L. Billy was in the basement so he didn't know that Dr. L had called me so the first words out of his mouth when I told him what he said were "You're lying". But I wasn't. 3 embryos were put into my uterus.

If you aren't familiar with the embryo transfer part of IVF..they use a catheter to put them back in and the entire process takes like 3 minutes. You are required after that to lay flat for 30 minutes. Oh...and you go in with a full bladder. That part scared me the most...feeling like I would explode on the table. It really wasn't bad at all. I drank I glass of water an hour before...then another glass on my way there. The best part was, I got to take Valium!! Valium is nice....very nice.

My mom and Billy were allowed in the recovery room with me, which was great. The nurse came in and showed Billy how to give me the progesterone shots. Progesterone is the worst shot out of all of them. You have to inject it in your ass and the needle is big.

So Friday is our big day. This is the worst part....the waiting. If I get into all of my worries, I will cry and I am trying to hold it together for my own sanity's sake.

What is that saying? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.....

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